Recently I have started getting very, very small amounts of traffic through search engines. Which I suppose is pretty exciting because it brings more people to entertain! (I get more readers *I love you all, those who comment i love more*!)
Anyway, if that was the focus of this post it would suck but… I am going to share keywords that people have actually searched (and found me with) and even wackier ones that you could potentially find me with.
Ok, so according to Google analytics I have had 14 hits via Google. Admittedly, four out of the eleven hits where actually me searching myself with a keyword that no one else will ever use… (Unless I become an online phenomenon. *Cross your fingers everybody!*)
That keyword was Colinbloginit and if you google it, you getting 39 results entirely about me! (I'm a online phenomenon :O *Not quite)
Other keywords that have actually been used to find me include-
“voi jeans” “post a comment”
Inhumane mouse trap
Nothing to lose movie cars
Nothing to lose movie security guard
Nothing to lose security guard scene
Song from security guard scene nothing to lose
I should have warned you they were random… But what you could find me with is even worse!
For example-
If you ever search “82800 seconds in minutes” you will find me, who the heck searches that!
“star constellations” according to webmaster tools I come 17th if you search that, if I did I would be impressed but I cannot find myself!
If you type in “Diary of a semi-retired paperboy” I am very near the top but c’mon, I don’t suppose there are many “semi-retired paperboys” out there, let alone ones that write a blog about it.
Only today someone found me by searching, “how long before you take a break on a computer”, this person obviously spends 25 hours a day on the computer and was wondering if he had broken some kind of world record.
(He certainly has!)
A potential search which I am actually surprised about is the words “Nothing to lose movie”, where I am ranked on the second page of a google! Now this is a famous movie, starring Tim Robbins and Mark Lawrence, although I’m surprised to say I haven’t got any hits from that exact phrase.
My favourite potential search is “The sugar puff incident” It is the kind of thing that nobody would ever… ever search! Although if you ever forget my URL it will come in handy, just Google “The sugar puff incident” and you will find me in second and third place. An extremely minor achievement indeed! *Any excuse for a party though ;)*
Any interesting keywords from your blog?
What is freeze burn?
9 years ago
If you type the name of my blog into Google, my blog is the first result. But one of those results goes to an online dating blog feed website (only because I listed Yahoo! Personals as a Yahoo! service in my Google-Yahoo Merger story lol.) Glad to see you're getting some hits too!
Hope you can see and comment on these posts:
I have no idea what pulls up my blog - how do you find that out???
Google anylatics tells you what people have actually found you with.
To find out what people can potentially find you with just search, type in your keywords maybe you'll be near the top.:)
Hmmm, the only weird one I can see is 'Banksy up coaster' - not really that funny but it is nice to see that people do come to your sites via google for whatever reason!
How many do you class as very small number of traffic?
One or two hits a day from search engines. Yesterday i got four so it on the up.
Thanks for the comment :)
Hello Colin..
Sorry if this comment has nothing to do with search engines.. look seriously tall.
but besides that... Ima follow your blog and become number 51! Believe it! Mhm! (:
Oh and I hope you become an internet phenomenon!
Thanks A-Fo :)
Ye, i'm 6'2.
Lol, internet phenomenon i wish!
xD Haha. What I've just searched for my blog was Enigma Inklings mainly because that's the name of my blog, and it obviously shows up at the top, then my blog on GameSpot showing up underneath it. That's pretty much all I've done though to see...
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